5 Days To Notice YOU Challenge – Downloadable Course


5 Days, 5 tasks…Can you commit??

The tasks won’t take time away from you day but instead will invite you to notice where you are placing your attention without even realising. Where this attention is causing stress in your body and an active mind as a result of such.

These tasks are noticing, a gentle guided noticing and then the research into what you find is over to you.

There is a gratitude nudge within the 5 days, a meditation and to end the 5 days, a 40min bespoke crystalline sound bath, made for Pure Peace by beautiful Alice Rose

So rules? Not many but important…

Commit, show up…NO excuses. Do not make you an excuse

1 day at a time and in order

Keep it light, be kind to you and acknowledge, without judgment, where this is difficult and know that habits around this were created and therefore new ones can be formed.

Acknowledge yourself for making this time for you, knowing that it enriches all relationships in your world, especially the one with you.

Feel free to drop me any comments or to share, I always love to hear.

If you want to dive deeper into this, know that this is part of the work I love to involve myself in so reach out. I’d LOVE to offer you a gifted coaching session to see where it may take YOU.

Much love

Denice x



5 Days, 5 tasks…Can you commit?? A downloadable 5 Day Course to hear yourself in a slightly different tone.

The tasks won’t take time away from you day but instead will invite you to notice where you are placing your attention without even realising. Where this attention is causing stress in your body and an active mind as a result of such.

These tasks are noticing, a gentle guided noticing and then the research into what you find is over to you.

There is a gratitude nudge within the 5 days, a meditation and to end the 5 days, a 40min bespoke crystalline sound bath, made for Pure Peace by beautiful Alice Rose

So rules? Not many but important…

Commit, show up…NO excuses. Do not make you an excuse

1 day at a time and in order

Keep it light, be kind to you and acknowledge, without judgment, where this is difficult and know that habits around this were created and therefore new ones can be formed.

Acknowledge yourself for making this time for you, knowing that it enriches all relationships in your world, especially the one with you.

Feel free to drop me any comments or to share, I always love to hear.

If you want to dive deeper into this, know that this is part of the work I love to involve myself in so reach out, I’d LOVE to offer you a gifted coaching session to see where it may take YOU.

Much love

Denice x


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