Self Sabotage Self Guided Course


Discover an empowering and down to earth course to explore deeper themes that may be triggering self-sabotage. Dive into video shares, downloadable PDFs, insightful journal prompts, and reflective audios.


This course explores the theme of self-sabotage, a chapter from the book ‘Life’s Simple Recipes’, written by Denice Cartwright.

Designed as a self-guided journey, this course creates a gentle space for inner reflection and contemplation.

It is intended to be both gentle and honest, incorporating a variety of media, including videos, audio recordings, journaling, and reading to explore this topic in depth.

The course is structured around three recipes from the book, offering a deeper dive into each for greater expansion and self-inquiry.

At the end, you’ll find additional resources you may find useful, along with a ‘What’s Next’ section.

Move through the course at your own pace, always keeping your well-being at the heart of your reflections.

When we hold ourselves in compassion, we expand our capacity to offer the same compassion to others.


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